Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In the past few months..

I have discovered a brand new me. I'm not afraid of what everyone will think. I do what makes me happy. I talk the way I want. No one can control who I am going to be, except me. So for the most part, I've been getting to know the newer me. Realizing who I love and who I don't, who in my life is real, who is fake. All the people who are honest, who lies. The ones who truly care, the ones who fake it to make me happy. Somehow this year has been the craziest by far. Bestfriend since elementary, just had surgery. The guy that was my first love, just got out of the hospital from a two day coma. And winter break, I almost had to put a restraining order on a guy, I'm not a bad person, but that's all I could think to do to make the texts stop. But in the end, I've realized, I am a better, newer me. And I like the additions I have made to my personality. :D Thanks for everyone of my true friends who have stayed with me through all the crap in our lives!

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